BEING TWO! Woo hoo! Who knew?
You can walk. You can run. You can talk, sort-of, you can jump, sort-of, you can eat more things, but you're still not allowed to eat everything you want to eat.
You understand many words but either you can't find them when you need them (especially when you're having strong feelings!) or you say exactly what you mean but no one understands.
Most of the time, being two means that the world is fun, ever-changing, fascinating and downright frustrating!
Here are some books for engaging children between the ages of 24-36 months.
This Jazz Man
by Karen Ehrhardt
Illustrated by R. G. Roth
The traditional song, "This Old Man", gets made over into a toe tapping tribute to jazz! Have fun with the words, sounds, rhymes and rhythm and of course a fun way to count from 1 to 10.
The last few pages have short bios on 9 phenomenal jazz musicians from Louis Armstrong to "Fats" Waller - perfect for sharing with an older toddler and for educating yourself too - I sure learned a lot!
1: Sing out loud, sing out proud! Make up your own scat!
"Doodly-doodly-doot-doot! Toot-Toot!"
"Beee-diddly-doo-ah! Dooo-aaaaah!
"Thimp dumple thump-thump!"
2: Bring out a music maker - a maracas or tambourine and your pretend piano fingers! Shake, sing, rhyme, count and plink, plink.
3: And. . . Find the mouse that's hiding on the pages!
Car, Car, Truck, Jeep
by Katrina Charman
Illustrated by Nick Sharratt
When I brought this book to the US from London, it was not available in the USA and parents were salivating when I shared it in public. Another book to a familiar tune - easy, jaunty and a visually captivating read for a wide age group.
There are all sorts of people doing all sorts of things - pumping gas, driving a jeep, flying a plane. And any book that can incorporate the word "hovercraft" has my vote!
1: Practice sign language
STOP: Hold one hand flat and palm up. With the other hand also flat, lower it pinky-first into the first hand so they collide. - like you're chopping your palm. You can do this with more or less force depending on if the moment demands it!
 GO: Point with both hands to the direction you wish to go.
2: "Let's be a digger and a dump truck!"
You and your child can become a digger and dump truck. The digger extends her arms and curves her hands to make the "bucket filled with dirt and muck!".
"Beep, beep, beep" as digger lifts the bucket, turns and SPLAT! out drops the muck into the waiting truck! I'd say this is worth repeating.
Poor Little Rabbit
by Jorg Muhle
Little Rabbit has fallen over. Ouch--that hurts! Can you help him?
Grandson (GS) #1 introduced me to this book and of course, I've now read it scores of times. I suspect it'll be the same with GS #2 so I'm glad I didn't mind the repeat readings and that says a lot!
It's short and sweet and most importantly, participatory, which means that each reading turned out to be just different enough to make it new each time.
1: The author makes it easy - the book instructs you on what to do to help Little Rabbit: blow on the ouchie, wipe the tears, put on a bandaid, recite a calming rhyme. . .and, in the process, teach your little one about empathy, validation and resilience too!
2: Sing "I Have Feelings, So Do You" to the tune of Twinkle. (Listen Podcast Episode Number 117: Feelings: Let's Talk About It)